Fresh Cut Flowers

There are just a few tips and tricks to make the most of your bouquet: keep the water fresh and clean by changing it daily, trimming stems every couple of days, and checking that there is no submerged foliage.

Your lush flowers should be kept safe and sound, out of direct sunlight, and away from A/C or heat vents.

Potted Plants

Not all plants are created equal. Google the variety of your new friend to see the specifics on how to care for it. Most pot dwellers ask for weekly water, bright, indirect light, a little love, and we always encourage singing if you choose!

A few good rules for your plant to live by are steer clear of direct heat and A/C sources, don’t sit in a puddle of water, and snip off any dead parts.


It’s like you’re holding a whole little world in your hands, and lucky for you, it doesn’t ask for much! Let it soak up the sun in bright light, make it rain with a fresh mist every week or two, and your terrarium is all set! Notice any brown leaves or dying plants? Gently snip off the unhealthy bits, or swing by Flower Girl to purchase a refresher.


Notice anything unusual about your new bundle of joy? It has no roots so it can literally hang out anywhere!

Airplants are into bright, indirect light, so keep yours there to keep it happy. Although it’s a pretty chill plant, it needs a few things from you: give it a bath once a week and mist it every few days so it stays hydrated. Be sure to hang it upside down or shake it out a bit so the water doesn’t become stagnant inside its crevices. Ew!